Project Description
Victoria Street, Queens Park | Residential
Located within mins away from the hub of Queens Park in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney is this small but classic courtyard garden. It’s a great example of taking a tired and neglected space, and with a bit of thought, the right materials and a colour transformation we end up with an engaging and calm extension of the home.
We extended the retaining walls to allow for additional screen planting of Syzigium ‘Straight and Narow’, underplanted by mass native violets and this then acted as the support structure for the inclusion of a floating timber seating hub.
To make the space feel bigger and soft under foot we selected large format Beauford sandstone pavers from Eco Outdoors and laid it out in a way that it visually stretches the space from left to right.
A simple planting pallet ensures year-round structural green, whilst the architectural leaves of the Ligularia reniformis creates a great foliage base to the existing Avocado tree.
The rear boundary wall is lined with horizontal wire and planted with bridesmaid jasmine, a fantastic alternative to standard jasmine and easy to train on wire and over the next few years will be a wall of white flowers.
All in all, it shows that you don’t need to spend a fortune to create a garden that has strength of personality and ticks the box for our clients, including Olly the dog