In 2022 Outhouse design’s Steve Warner was lucky enough to be invited to engage with residents in a new initiative called ‘Best In Grow’. We are pleased to share that this initiate continues from strength to strength with an additional “Most Creative” category added, thank you to all the team for sharing some updated photos and sharing the creative joy.
Just to refresh everyone on how this initiate started the exciting Best in Grow Resident Gardening competition was held in 43 Bolton Clarke’s Allity residential aged care homes across Australia. There were two categories the homes could enter their gardens under being either a dementia specific or general garden. The competition was an important activity for all participating residents to focus on throughout the month, as they enjoyed the sunshine that spring has to offer. Some tasks participants had to complete included creating inground plant beds, going on trips to bunnings and coming up with exciting ideas and themes for their pots and planters.
Our founder Steve Warner joined residents from Allity’s Greenview Community in Norman Hurst, and spoke about the positive impacts gardening has for mental and physical health:
“Getting out in the garden doesn’t just provide physical benefits such as mobility, circulation and mental engagement, but it’s also the positive wellbeing and interaction with others that it brings. It’s the conversations that gardening can create, the reason to meet new friends and work together to bring the sense of joy and pride in creating and nurturing”
Steve also created a series of videos to coach residents on special tips and tricks to help them look after their garden beds. The initiative was a success throughout participating aged care homes and we are excited to witness the positive outcomes as the initiative continues on!
You can read more about this amazing initiative on the Aged Care News!